
Content Services

Oaked Communications is all about getting the flow of cultured content moving in the right direction. Let the best of your portfolio shine through with the right message in the right places.

What we do:

= Collect the stories from your bin

= Find the right media fit

= Craft a cultured strategy

= Cultivate a database of industry contacts

= Follow up and measure the overall impressions

Copywriting + Creative Services

Compelling content in the form of a well-crafted creative collateral in the right hands improves your business’ SEO, overall branding image and hopefully sense of brand loyalty, oh, and don’t forget the bottom line.  Today, content is interactive. It is not simply written content, the process includes components of graphic design, videography, scripting and a plan for release. The overall strategy and execution must be unified across the board.

We aim to craft the right message and can draw on the expertise of our network to highlight the areas of your brand that differentiate you within your market.

Copywriting + Creative Services Include:

= Creates an active voice and persona for your brand’s marketing material

= Website, advertorial and print Copy

= eNewsletter & editorial content creation

= Proposal writing (P3 & design build experience included)

Areas of training also include:

= Speech writing

= Script writing

Digital Media + Social Media Services

Find your digital voice. Once you have content, reaching your market in their corner of the digital sphere is important. Creating cultured content is a necessary part of the equation. Now it’s time to release it and engage with your audience.  Think of it as an open invite party.  Find out who’s at your party, what they say and if they are inviting their friends.   (Often it’s in the well-crafted punch.)

= Website design

= Video production

= Art direction

= Media buys

= Graphic design

Public Relations

Public Relations comes in various shapes sizes and forms whether in print or digitally. Best practices come with the recommendations of having a variety of both. Whatever your goal is, from conception through to execution, we aim to see it make an impact.

= Cultivating you or your brand centered digital communications strategy

= Coordinating public events, open houses, workshops

= Liaising with committees, agencies, and ensuring that your project stays on task

= Arranging focus group sessions

= Consulting with the public

Event & Product Photography

Pick your social media network of choice. Visual content and event updates are part of any social interaction at any party. Let’s uncork and get the visuals flowing.   Live photography and uploading is also an option for curating content of your company events.


Part of the value add is that we have access to industry event planning rates, coordination and rentals to make your media meetings, industry events put the right connections forward.